Images wait at the startVolunteer Katie Zellars watches the runnersMike Berry of Team Geezers with Youth at Route 66 crossingJohn Reynolds at Route 66 crossingMorgan Windram at Route 66 crossingRunners at Route 66 crossingKen Zellars at Route 66 crossingEd Angso at Route 66 crossingMike Berry finishes his relay legMarcia Gordon, Cook Forest Manager, checks in at AS 2Doug Moore and Keith Belluardo at AS 2Runners at AS 2Volunteers at AS 7Aid Station 9Morgan Windram reenacts her dramatic finishGarry Rarer races toward the finishPhil Westlake gets his medalKeith Belluardo, our final finisherMorgan Windram, First Place OverallGarry Rarer, Third Place OverallScott Pearson, First Place MaleGary Hemmelgarn, Third Place MaleSue Weightmann, First Place FemaleSue Albert, Second Place FemaleFirst Place Overall Relay Team Geezers with YouthRoss Ananea, for First Place Male Relay Team UnitedDave Syiek, for First Place Coed Relay Team Skanks & Geezers